Sunday, November 1, 2009

Samsung Omnia

Hey folks thought i'd share with you the latest customisation I've done on my Omnia, after I installed SPB's latest mobile shell, version 3.5, along with some of my favourite software. Enjoy!

I'm using SPB Mobile Shell 3.5 as my main front end on the phone, as lets face it, Samsung Today screen is pants. The upgrade from version 3, now we have 5 screens - you can however increase this by editing the registry, for me as you can see im not even using one of the screens. The centre is really where I can access everything I want to. One thing I love about SPB mobile shell, is how easy it is to customise. You can add as many or as little widgets your like, and place them where ever you want on the screen. The default skins is not bad, however I am waiting for IMARCHE ( to update to version 3.5 to make it look even more prettier!

Other cool features of the shell from left to right; 3D carousel of the various pages, 3D message viewer (love this), usual contacts page iPhone style, contacts carousel.

Okay some of my must have apps, left to right; SPB Insight (or RSS reader) to keep up to date on my blogs, news channels etc, great when you're on the move. S2U2 - Slide to Unlock app like iPhone's locking mechanism, great for not accidentally starting things while the phone is in your pocket. SPB Weather. Changed the skin of the dialer, pretty isn't it? Ive also changed the keyboard to TouchPal keyboard which is much easier to use than Samsung's one, and finally a little cool app OMNIANO- make your Omnia into a piano....shame I can't play anything other than the first few notes of Eastenders......

Other apps:
X-Button - Hold the X button to close, press to minimise
MemMaid - great for monitoring space and memory usage
Resco Explorer - like File Explorer but better functionality
Shake and Save - great screen capture utility, go to the screen, shake the phone and saves the picture! Genius
SMS-Vito Chat - Much better looking than the default SMS chat program
SPB Traveller - must have if you travel a lot, currency converter, time zone, clothes size, flight search etc.
Core Player - great player if you watch films
TorchButton - instead of pressing down the button on the side (which I can't do as i dropped my phone in the toilet....dont ask) click here and torch comes on.

If you want any of these programs, do a quick search in Google and you will find the software's home page easy. You know after the fun I'm having with this phone, I don't think I will ever go back to a normal phone again....well lets see what's available next upgrade time -July 2010 (!)....great!  Later dudes!


  1. Amitabh,
    Can I get this stuff for my HTC?
    Tell me 'cos I can't be bothered to look for it.

    Gotta go

  2. Kishore,

    I've found it but it costs $!!
    Can't be having that.
    Any ideas.....

